Busselton Population Medical Research Institute (Inc.)
The Busselton Population Medical Research Institute (Inc.) (ABN 58 366 731 760) is an association incorporated under the Association Incorporate Act of Western Australia.
The Busselton Population Medical Research Institute (Inc.) (BPMRI) is governed by the BPMRI Board. The Board includes internationally renowned researchers and clinicians representing diverse research interests and expertise, together with valued members of Western Australia’s business and finance communities. The Board includes an elected Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Treasurer, and is comprised of up to 12 Executive Members and additional Advisory Members. The Board meets 12 times a year.
The Busselton Health Study is overseen by the BPMRI Board which is responsible for the management and use of accumulated information, and fostering and promoting relevant research associated with the study.
Our Board
Please see details of BPMRI’s Board Members here.
Our Patrons
Please see information on our valued Patrons here.
Our Charity Status
Please find information on our charity and deductible gift recipient status here.
Our Committees
Please find information on our Advisory Committees here.