Leave a Lasting Legacy
Making a Bequest in your Will
A bequest is a gift that you nominate in your Will. Although you can draft your own Will, we recommend professional assistance from your own solicitor or one of the Trustee companies to ensure that your instructions are carried out exactly as you wish.
What can I bequest?
Depending upon your circumstances and wishes there are a number of ways you can make a bequest to the Busselton Population Medical Research Institute. You may wish to make a:
Pecuniary Bequest
This refers to leaving a gift of a set dollar amount determined by you at the time of drawing up, or altering your will.
Suggested wording for a pecuniary bequest to the Busselton Population Medical Research Institute is as follows:
“I bequeath to the Busselton Population Medical Research Institute Inc (Institute) free from all duties, the following $______ amount and direct that the receipt of the Chairman or other authorised Officer of the Institute will be a sufficient discharge to my trustees.”
Residuary Bequest
This is simply a gift of whatever is left of your estate (or a percentage thereof) after all your other gifts, taxes and debts have been fulfilled.
Suggested wording for a residuary bequest to the Busselton Population Medical Research Institute is as follows:
“I bequeath to the Busselton Population Medical Research Institute Inc (Institute) free from all duties, [the following ______ percentage of]* OR the remainder of my estate and direct that the receipt of the Chairman or other authorised Officer of the Institute will be a sufficient discharge to my trustees.”
* delete words in brackets if the bequest is to relate to entire residuary estate; otherwise insert percentage .
Specific Bequest
This is leaving a gift of an item of specific value such as property or other asset(s) to be passed on to the Busselton Population Medical Research Institute to generate funds.
Suggested wording for a specific bequest to the Busselton Population Medical Research Institute is as follows:
“I bequeath to the Busselton Population Medical Research Institute Inc (Institute) free from all duties, the following _________ item/s and direct that the receipt of the Chairman or other authorised Officer of the Institute will be a sufficient discharge to my trustees.”
Contact Us
If you have already made provision for the Busselton Population Medical Research Institute in your Will, or are considering a bequest, please let us know by email or phone 9754 0548.
This will give us an opportunity to answer any questions you may have and thank you personally for your generosity.