Busselton Population Medical Research Institute (Inc.) Privacy Policy Statement
The Busselton Population Medical Research Institute (Inc.) is committed to the protection of your privacy in accordance with the National Privacy Act 1988.
BPMRI Research
The Busselton Population Medical Research Institute recognises that your privacy is your right and accepts the trust given to it by all those who have, and will, take part in this important public health research in the future.
Busselton Population Medical Research Institute and Busselton Health Study survey information is collected directly from each participant or where appropriate from the participant’s parent or guardian or responsible carer. With the approval of the Department of Health and UWA Human Research Ethics Committee, supplementary information may be obtained from Government agencies and registries.
Research information collected
The Institute’s health surveys collect, collate and store for current and future medical research, data and biological samples relevant to each participant’s health and associated health risk factors. Survey data and samples are collected exclusively for the purposes of approved medical research and no other purpose.
The identity, address and personal details of survey participants are collected to allow for a report on each individual’s survey results to be returned to them. This information also provides for linkage of data from survey to survey.
Records storage
All survey data and biological materials are stored strictly in accordance with the guidelines set by the National Health and Medical Research Council. In accordance with these guidelines in the Institute’s records the identity of individuals is stored separately and securely from their survey health results and samples. For epidemiological and medical research on populations it may be understood that the identity of individuals is not relevant so that this detail is not passed to researchers. In the event that a researcher detects a possible health problem the Institute’s records do allow the relevant participant’s identity to be retrieved so that the individual can be contacted and informed of the possible problem. If so instructed by the participant the Institute will provide survey results to the participant’s nominated medical practitioner.
Survey participant’s consent
All prospective survey participants are informed in detail of the nature of a survey before being invited to participate. A comprehensive, written form of consent is explained and presented for the participant’s signature. Survey information is collected directly from each participant or when appropriate from the participant’s parent or guardian or responsible carer.
Research and survey protocol
Institute researchers and other researchers with whom the Busselton Population Medical Research Institute may collaborate must be known to hold similar ethical standards to those of the Institute before any survey materials are made available to them. All research projects must be approved by the Institute’s Research and Scientific Committee, the members of which are approved by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. All researchers are bound by confidentiality agreements.
Persons appointed by the Institute to undertake survey work in Busselton, both employees and appropriately qualified volunteers are similarly bound by strictly termed confidentiality agreements and collection techniques are approved by the relevant health and ethics authorities.
Access, disclosure of information and communication
The Busselton Population Medical Research Institute will not make a survey participant’s identity and survey records available to any person or organisation other than the participant personally and the participant’s medical practitioner if so requested by the participant and under appropriately secure circumstances. Survey participants may have access to their own personal survey records by arrangement with the Institute and at a convenient time and place and may require recorded information to be corrected if it is found to be in error.
The Institute may communicate with participants on matters relevant to the Institute’s business from time to time. If appropriate it may seek to arrange for personal contacts.
BPMRI members, donors, and supporters
Our commitment
The Busselton Population Medical Research Institute (Inc.) is committed to the protection of your privacy in accordance with the National Privacy Act 1988.
How we hold and collect your information
The Busselton Population Medical Research Institute (Inc.) will collect and maintain records of the names, contact details , donation and payment (credit card) details and, if offered, employment, qualifications and charitable interests of all those persons or organisations who as members, staff, donors, supporters and volunteers have indicated willingness to support the Institute’s cause and endeavours.
The personal information that you supply us, will only be used for the purpose of the Institute and our programs.
Information is collected by the Busselton Population Medical Research Institute (Inc.) by phone, through contact forms, donation forms, online forms, event ticketing forms and all other methods of communication between BPMRI and you.
Google Analytics cookies may record user interactions on the BPMRI website. Personally identifiable information is not recorded by these cookies.
How we use your personal information
We may use this information to provide you with a service; to communicate with you in regard to the Busselton Population Medical Research Institute’s (Inc.) business, research, marketing and charity activities; to process your donation or payments and provide a receipt, to maintain our database records; to respond to your queries and feedback and for other related purposes.
We may also use your personal information for direct marketing purposes. You can ‘opt out’ of receiving direct marketing at any time by contacting us at BPMRI and will not be charged a fee to make the request.
Information will not be accessed of disclosed to any other individual or organisation without your consent, unless the law requires us to do so, or when the information is confidentially provided to external agencies for the purposes of delivering services that support the Busselton Population Medical Research Institute (eg database providers, payment processing provider, mail houses, survey providers).
Information will not be transferred overseas unless reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that the transferred information will not be held, used or disclosed by the recipient organisation in inconsistently with the Australian Privacy Principles. For example, information is likely to transferred overseas for activities such as processing donations and payments and data management (database in the cloud).
Accessing, correcting and updating your personal information.
Members, donors and other supporters may request access to their own records and may correct information found to be in error. Requests can be made by contacting BPMRI by phoning (08) 9754 0548.
Privacy Policy statement access
This Privacy Policy Statement of the Busselton Population Medical Research Institute (Inc.) will be made available on request to any person or organisation from whom information has been collected and others who have an indicated interest.
Lodging a Complaint
The Busselton Population Medical Research Institute (Inc.) is committed to protecting your privacy under the National Privacy Act 1998. Please contact our Privacy Compliance Officer, if you are not satisfied with how we are managing your information.
Contact Person: Privacy Compliance Officer
Busselton Population Medical Research Institute (Inc.)
PO Box 659
p: (08) 9754 0548
Version: 10 June 2014